Business Sale

This MAPP content provides a comprehensive approach to planning the sale of a business

Author : MAPP Academy    Date Created : Nov. 17, 2014, 10:18 a.m.

MAPP Business Sale has been created through research with individuals and managers who have beemn involved in the sale of one or more companies. Using their experience and avoiding their mistakes you will be able to quickly generate a simple and comprehensive business sale plan asking all the questions that you may never ask yourself when it comes to planning such a transaction.

MAPP Business Sale has over 60 separate steps that are recommended as the key ones that will help you to create a robust plan for the sale so it’s pretty likely that you will need to do most, if not all, of them yourself if you too are trying to sell a company for its highest value.

Categories of decisions that make up this set include:


Research – Decision steps related to finding out what you will need to know in advance of starting the process of selling the business including being aware of business transfer legislation through to understanding the concept of restricted assets.

Actions - Decision steps related to the key actions needed to ensure that the organisation is prepared for sale including hiring the right professionals through to setting appropriate sale objectives.

Marketing – Decision steps related to how marketing decisions about the business sale plan will be managed internally and externally including developing an appropriate communcations plan through to ensuring there is a clearly articulated Unique Selling Proposition.

Documents – Decision steps related to what key information documents and paperwork needs to be created or presented as part of the sale including developing an appropriate non-disclosure agreement through to identifying all necessary tax and VAT records.

Analysis - Decision steps related to the elements of the business sale plan that involve analysing data or opinion that might influence the sale including developing an appropriate environmental profile through to obtaining a figure of the company's true profitability.


Who is it Aimed at?

MAPP Business Sale is aimed primarily at those individual and managers that are planning to sell a business as a going concern and who generally have not gone through the process ever before or even recently. Using the experience of others who have been through the business sale process before and who have had to deal with making mistakes and missing key steps, MAPP Business Sale enables the firm to ask all the questions it would not normally ask itself about what it needs to do get everything ready for a potential buyer. The information is generic in outlook and can be useful for businesses of all kinds. Although this set can be used by individuals on their own we recommend using it with at least one other person to generate reflection and perspective.